Enabling YUP Object Schema Validator

yup is not included in the package, so you have to install it manually.

First of all install yup to enable the YUP plugin.

npm install --save yup

Define the YUP schema

Define a YUP schema using a function which takes in input the YUP instance and returns the schema:

const $schema = (y) =>
    club: y.string().required(),
    members: y.array().of(y.object().shape({
      firstname: y.string().required(),
      lastname: y.string().required(),

Define a plugins object

Pass the YUP package and the previously defined schema to the YUP plugin.

import yup from 'mobx-react-form/lib/validators/YUP';
import $pkg from 'yup';

const plugins = {
  yup: yup({
    package: $pkg,
    schema: $schema,
    extend: ({ validator, form }) => {
      ... // access yup validator and form instances

Create the form passing the plugins object

new Form({ ... }, { plugins });

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