Form Properties

Property Type MobX Type Info Help
size int computed Number of contained Fields. -
submitting boolean computed Check if the form is in submitting state. -
submitted int computed Check how many times a form has been submitted. -
validating boolean computed Check if the form is in validation state. -
validated int computed Check how many times a form has been validated. -
isValid boolean computed Check if the form is valid. -
isDirty boolean computed Check if the form is dirty. -
isPristine boolean computed Check if the form is in pristine state. -
isDefault boolean computed Check if the form is to default state. -
isEmpty boolean computed Check if the form is empty. -
disabled boolean computed Check if the form is disabled. -
focused boolean computed Check if the form is focused. -
touched boolean computed Check if the form is touched. -
changed boolean computed Check if the form is changed. -
blurred boolean computed Check if the form is blurred. -
hasError boolean computed Check if the form has errors. -
error string computed A default/generic error message (not related to fields). -
validatedValues object computed Obtain validated values. -
hasNestedFields boolean computed Check if the form has Nested Fields. -
hasIncrementalKeys boolean computed Check if the nested fields have incremental keys. -

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