Fields Methods

Method Input Output Info Help
container() string - Get Parent Field Container. -
bind() - object Get the current field bindings. help
clear() - - Clear the Field or Nested Fields to empty value. help
reset() - - Reset the Field or Nested Fields to default value. help
focus() - - Programmatically set focus on the field. help
blur() - - Programmatically blur the field if focused. -
trim() - - Apply trim() to the field value if is string. It does not trigger onChange Event Hook -
invalidate(msg) string - Mark the field as invalid. Pass an optional error message or a default error will be shown. help
resetValidation() deep - Reset the field validation status. -
showErrors(bool) bool - Show or Hide Field Error Messages. -

Shared Methods

Method Input Output Info Help
select(path) (string) object Field Selector. Can be chained. -
update(obj) (object) - Update Fields Values. Will create new fields auomatically. -
submit(obj) (object) - Perform fields validation. After successful validation triggers onSuccess event and onError event in case of validation error. -
validate() - - Check if the field is valid and return a promise. help
validate(path) (string) promise Takes a field path in input. Check if the field and nested fields are valid and return a promise. help
validate(opt) (object) promise Takes a an object in input with related or showErrors options. -
validate(path, opt) (string, object) promise Takes a field path as first arg. and object as second arg. with related or showErrors options. -
check(computed) (string) boolean Check field computed property. -
check(computed, deep) (string, boolean) boolean Check all nested fields computed property if deep is true -
get() - object Get all field and nested fields data with all props and computed values. -
get(prop) (any) object Get all field filtering by certain props (string or array). -
set(val) (any) - Set field value. Takes the value. -
set(obj) (object) - Provide an object to set nested fields values. -
set(prop, val) (string, any) - Set field property. Takes prop key and prop value. -
set(prop, obj) (string, object) - Provide a prop key and object to set nested fields properties. -
has(key) (string) - Provide Field key to check if exist. -
map(callback) (function) - Map Nested Fields -
reduce(callback, acc) (function, any) - Reduce Nested Fields -
each(callback) (function) - Iterates over fields and nested fields recursively and invokes a callback which get each field in input. -
add(obj) (any) any Add a Field or Nested Fields. -
del(key) (any) - Delete a Field or Nested Fields by key or path. -
observe(obj) (object) - Define a MobX Observer on Field Props or Field Map. -
intercept(obj) (object) - Define a MobX Interceptor on Field Props or Field Map. -

$(path) is like of select(path).


Property Input Output Info Help
values() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Values. -
errors() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Errors. -
labels() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Labels. -
placeholders() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Placeholders. -
defaults() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Default Values. -
initials() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Initial Values. -
types() - object Get Field & Nested Fields Type. -

Event Handlers

Property Input Output Info Help
sync(e) - object Update the value of the field. -
onChange(e) - object Update the value of the field. (alias of sync(e)) -
onToggle(e) - object Update the value of the field. (alias of sync(e)) -
onFocus(e) - object Track the focused property of the field. -
onBlur(e) - object Track the touched property of the field. -
onSubmit(e) - object Sub-Form Submission: Validate the fieldset and call onSuccess(fieldset) or onError(fieldset). -
onClear(e) - object Clear all the Fields and Nested Fields to empty value. -
onReset(e) - object Reset all the Fields and Nested Fields to default value. -
onAdd(e) - object Add a Field or Nested Fields. -
onDel(e) - object Delete a Field or Nested Fields. -
onKeyUp(e) - object Executed on field key up -
onKeyDown(e) - object Executed on field key down -

All Event Handlers takes the Proxy object in input.

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