Defining Flat Fields as Unified Properties

Define a fields object, then you can define these properties in each field definition:

value, label, placeholder, default, initial, disabled, deleted, type, related, rules, options, bindings, extra, hooks, handlers, validatedWith, validators, observers, interceptors, input, output, autoFocus, inputMode, ref, class.

Validation properties rules (DVR) and validators (VJF) can be defined as well.

Define Empty Fields

const fields = {
  username: '',
  password: '',

new Form({ fields, ... });

Define Empty Fields with Labels

const fields = {
  username: {
    label: 'Username',
  password: {
    label: 'Password',

new Form({ fields, ... });

Define Fields with Labels and Initial State

The initial state will be re-setted on form reset using value.

const fields = {
  username: {
    label: 'Username',
    value: 'SteveJobs',
  password: {
    label: 'Password',
    value: 'thinkdifferent',

new Form({ fields, ... });

Define Specific Fields Options

Create an option object inside a field definition.

The availables options are the same of the Form Options

const fields = {
  username: {
    label: 'Username',
    value: 'SteveJobs',
    options: {
      validateOnChange: true,

new Form({ fields, ... });

Define Fields with Default Value (on reset)

The initial state will be re-setted on form reset using the default value.

const fields = {
  username: {
    label: 'Username',
    value: 'SteveJobs',
    default: '',
  password: {
    label: 'Password',
    value: 'thinkdifferent',
    default: '',

new Form({ fields, ... });

In this case on reset will set the fields to empty values (istead of the initial values).

In this case the fields will be filled with the value property when the form is initialized, and will be filled with the default only on form reset.

const fields = {
  email: {
    label: 'Email',
    validators: [isEmail],
    related: ['emailConfirm'], // <<---
  emailConfirm: {
    label: 'Confirm Email',
    validators: [isEmail, shouldBeEqualTo('email')],

new Form({ fields, ... });

Define Fields as Array of Objects

You must define a name property for each object.

The name property will set the key of the fields, if you don't specify it the field will not be created.

const fields = [{
  name: 'username',
  label: 'Username',
  value: 'SteveJobs',
}, {
  name: 'email',
  label: 'Email',
  value: '',

new Form({ fields, ... });

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