Shared Actions

The shared actions can be used on the form instance or every field and nested field.

Update the fields

The update() method is intended to be used to recreate the fields tree and provide new values.

If you need to change the properties of existent/selected fields, consider to use the set() method instead.

If you need to handle arrays (add or remove elements), consider to use the add() and del() methods instead.

This method only accept an object and will updated all fields values.

Update values from the form instance:

  address: {
    city: 'Los Angeles'

or the same selecting a nested field:

  city: 'Los Angeles'

Array notation can be used as well.

Field Selector

Select the field passing the path using the dot notation:


or you can use the alias $() as shortcut:


$(path) is like of select(path).

or you can retrive items from arrays:


or you can retrive items from arrays dynamically chaining the selector

const n = 3;


Field Container

Select the parent field container.

.$('members[3].firstname').container(); // members[3]
.$('members[3]').container(); // members
.$('').container(); // address

Check Field Computed Values

These computed values are allowed:

hasError, isValid, isDirty, isPristine, isDefault, isEmpty, focused, touched, changed.


Use the second argument (boolean) if you want to check for nested fields too.

.check('isValid', true);

Programmatically Focus a Field

To focus a field:


To use focus() you have to use bind() on the input. A React ref will be attached to the field to focus it.

<input {...field.bind())} />

Otherwise you will have to set the ref manually:

<input ref={(ref) => field.set('ref', ref)} />

Get Fields Properties

Return an object with fields key:val pairs (with nested fields).

This will get all fields prop (with nested fields as fields objects):


or filtering by a prop (with nested fields as collections):


You can get these editable props: value, label, placeholder, initial, default, disabled, related, bindings, type, disabled, options, extra, autoFocus, inputMode.

Or these computed props: hasError, isValid, isDirty, isPristine, isDefault, isEmpty, focused, touched, changed, error, and the validation props as well (rules and validators).

If you want to get nested fields as fields objects instead of collections pass the prop as array:


or if you need to filter multiple props:

.get(['value', 'label']);

Set Fields Properties

The set() method is intended to be used to change the properties of existent/selected fields.

It takes in input the prop name string and an object with fields key:val pairs.

If you need to recreate the fields tree (for example add/del fields array) and provide new values, consider to use the update() method instead.

You can pass the editable props: value, label, placeholder, initial, default, type,disabled, related, bindings, hooks, handlers, observers, interceptors, options, extra, autoFocus, inputMode as well the validation props (rules and validators).

.set('value', {
  username: 'NewUsername',
  password: 'NewPassword',

The object can be structured to set props of nested fields as well:

.set('label', {
  address: {
    city: 'Cool City'


Provide a field key to check if exists:


Returns boolean


.$('hobbies').map((field) => {
  ... // access nested field


Iterate each field and nested fields recursively.

The callback get each field in input.

.each(field => {
  // do some stuff with the field


Reduce field collection values.

The callback get accumulator and field in input.

.reduce((accumulator, field) => { ... }, accumulator);

add() & del()

You can add or remove normal Fields & Nested Fields or Array of Fields as well.

Add fields or nested fields:


If you have specified an Array of Fields ([]) into the field struct you can call add() without input arguments to create a new empty field with its incremental array index as key/name.

provide the initial value to the new added field:

.$('hobbies').add({ value: 'soccer' });

provide a custom key as field index:

  key: 'customKey',
  value: 'soccer',

Pass a custom key to create a new Named Field.

Delete a field:


.$('hobbies').del(1); // same as previous

or deep nested fields:


.$('member.hobbies').del(3); // same as previous

These are not an Event Handlers. If you need the onAdd(e) or onDel(e) read the Event Handlers section.

You can use it, for example, if you want to reimplement the onAdd(e) or onDel(e) Event Handlers.

clear() & reset()

Clear or Reset the whole Form, a single Field, or Nested Fields recursively.

.clear(); // to empty values
.reset(); // to default values

These are not an Event Handlers. If you need the onClear(e) or onReset(e) read the Event Handlers section.

Manual Submit

The Submission can be done on Forms or eventually Fields to enable Sub-Form Submission.

Perform fields validation. After successful validation triggers onSuccess event or onError event in case of validation error.


Provide an object with onSuccess(fieldset) and onError(fieldset) functions if need to override those implemented in the class.

  onSuccess: (fieldset) => {},
  onError: (fieldset) => {},

This is not an Event Handler. If you need the onSubmit(e) read the Event Handlers section.

You can use it, for example, if you want to reimplement the onSubmit(e) Event Handler.

Validate a Field

The validate() action returns a promise.

The callback takes the Field Instance with its isValid prop, which is the validation state of the Field.

  .then(({ isValid }) => {
    ... // Use `isValid` to check the validation status

The validation promise resolves the validated instance (Form or Field).

This is an alternative syntax to Form Actions - Validate Single Field.

Validation Errors

The validate() method will not show errors by default.

If you need to show errors after a validation you do:

.$('password').validate({ showErrors: true });

Invalidate the Form or a single Field

The invalidate(msg) method can be used on both forms or fields.

Pass an optional string in input and a custom error message will be shown for the error property.

To invalidate the whole form:

form.invalidate('This is a generic error message!');

To invalidate a single field:

form.$('password').invalidate('The password is wrong!');

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