Fields Properties
Editable Props
Property | Type | Info | Help |
type | string | Field type (default: text ). |
- |
value | any | Value of the field. | - |
initial | boolean | The initial value of the field. | - |
default | boolean | The default value of the field. | - |
label | string | The Field label. | - |
placeholder | string | The Field placeholder. | - |
related | array of strings (field path ) |
Execute validation on related fields. | - |
options | object | Individual Field Options, with fallback on Form Options. | - |
rules | boolean | Get DVR Validation Rules. | - |
validators | boolean | Get VJF Validation Functions. | - |
validatedWith | string | Field prop to validate instead value . |
- |
extra | any | Additional extra data for the field (useful for a select input). | - |
bindings | string | The key of the registered bindings to use for the current field. | help |
hooks | object | An object with Event Hooks | help |
handlers | object | An object with Event Handlers. | help |
deleted | boolean | The deleted state of the field. (see softDelete option) |
- |
disabled | boolean | The disabled state of the field. | - |
autoFocus | boolean | Set this to true for the first input to be focused at form initialization. |
- |
inputMode | string | The attribute can have any of the following values: none , text , decimal , numeric , tel , search , email , url |
- |
converter | function | Function to control value computed prop output. |
- |
nullable | boolean | Handle null field value. |
- |
ref | React Ref | A React Ref will be attached if bind() is used. |
help |
observers | object | The mobx observers to listen on Fields Props or Fields Map changes. | help |
interceptors | object | The mobx interceptors to listen on Fields Props or Fields Map changes. | help |
Computed Props
Property | Type | MobX Type | Info | Help |
key | string | - | Field key (same of name if not provided) |
- |
name | string | - | Field name (same of key if not provided). |
- |
path | string | - | Field path (for nested fields). | - |
size | int | computed | Number of contained Fields. | - |
submitting | boolean | computed | Check if the field is in submitting state. | - |
submitted | int | computed | Check how many times a field has been submitted. | - |
validating | boolean | computed | Check if the field is in validation state. | - |
validated | int | computed | Check how many times a field has been validated. | - |
focused | boolean | computed | Check if the field is focused. | - |
touched | boolean | computed | Check if the field is touched. | - |
changed | boolean | computed | Check if the field is changed. | - |
blurred | boolean | computed | Check if the field is blurred. | - |
isValid | boolean | computed | Check if the field is valid. | - |
isDirty | boolean | computed | Check if the field is dirty. | - |
isPristine | boolean | computed | Check if the field is pristine. | - |
isDefault | boolean | computed | Check if the field is to default value. | - |
isEmpty | boolean | computed | Check if the field is empty. | - |
hasError | boolean | computed | Check if the field has errors. | - |
error | string | computed | Field error message. | - |
files | any | computed | Use the onDrop Event Handler to retrieve the files data. |
- |
validatedValue | object | computed | Obtain Field validatedWith value. |
- |
hasNestedFields | boolean | computed | Check if the field has Nested Fields. | - |
hasIncrementalKeys | boolean | computed | Check if the nested fields have incremental keys. | - |