Fields Properties

Editable Props

Property Type Info Help
type string Field type (default: text). -
value any Value of the field. -
initial boolean The initial value of the field. -
default boolean The default value of the field. -
label string The Field label. -
placeholder string The Field placeholder. -
related array of strings (field path) Execute validation on related fields. -
options object Individual Field Options, with fallback on Form Options. -
rules boolean Get DVR Validation Rules. -
validators boolean Get VJF Validation Functions. -
validatedWith string Field prop to validate instead value. -
extra any Additional extra data for the field (useful for a select input). -
bindings string The key of the registered bindings to use for the current field. help
hooks object An object with Event Hooks help
handlers object An object with Event Handlers. help
deleted boolean The deleted state of the field. (see softDelete option) -
disabled boolean The disabled state of the field. -
autoFocus boolean Set this to true for the first input to be focused at form initialization. -
inputMode string The attribute can have any of the following values: none, text, decimal, numeric, tel, search, email, url -
converter function Function to control value computed prop output. -
nullable boolean Handle null field value. -
ref React Ref A React Ref will be attached if bind() is used. help
observers object The mobx observers to listen on Fields Props or Fields Map changes. help
interceptors object The mobx interceptors to listen on Fields Props or Fields Map changes. help

Computed Props

Property Type MobX Type Info Help
key string - Field key (same of name if not provided) -
name string - Field name (same of key if not provided). -
path string - Field path (for nested fields). -
size int computed Number of contained Fields. -
submitting boolean computed Check if the field is in submitting state. -
submitted int computed Check how many times a field has been submitted. -
validating boolean computed Check if the field is in validation state. -
validated int computed Check how many times a field has been validated. -
focused boolean computed Check if the field is focused. -
touched boolean computed Check if the field is touched. -
changed boolean computed Check if the field is changed. -
blurred boolean computed Check if the field is blurred. -
isValid boolean computed Check if the field is valid. -
isDirty boolean computed Check if the field is dirty. -
isPristine boolean computed Check if the field is pristine. -
isDefault boolean computed Check if the field is to default value. -
isEmpty boolean computed Check if the field is empty. -
hasError boolean computed Check if the field has errors. -
error string computed Field error message. -
files any computed Use the onDrop Event Handler to retrieve the files data. -
validatedValue object computed Obtain Field validatedWith value. -
hasNestedFields boolean computed Check if the field has Nested Fields. -
hasIncrementalKeys boolean computed Check if the nested fields have incremental keys. -

results matching ""

    No results matching ""