Computed Field Props

Before version < 6.3, to implement computed props you had to extend a Form or Field class. Form the version 6.3 and above, computed props can be defined providing functions in Fields Definitions.

The computed function will get an object with form and field instances in input.

Avaliable Computed Field Props

computed: special field prop to handle computed values (defined as function).

or functions can be defined on: value, label, placeholder, disabled, rules, related, deleted, validatedWith, validators, bindings, extra, options, autoFocus, inputMode.

How to implement Computed Props

An assumption has to be made before using computed props: the function gets the form instance that can be used to acess other form fields before they are created. For this reason, to access a field before its creation, we need to set strictSelect: false as form option, otherwise an error will be thrown when trying to access an undefined field.

const fields = [
    'myComputedField', // will be computed
    'mySwitch', // assume it is a boolean

const types = {
    mySwitch: 'checkbox',

const values = {
    // we define the value of the field as a function which can return a computed value
    myComputedField: ({ form, field }) => form.$('mySwitch')?.value ? 'a' : 'b';

const form = new Form({ fields, types, values, ... }, {
    options: { strictSelect: false }

Example using Separated Mode Definition. Unified Mode also supported.

Handle Computed Nested Array of fields value

If we want to handle computed props for nested array of fields we can use the special computed field prop which accepts a full field path and will be applied when using the add() action.

const fields = [

const computed = {
    "products[].total": ({ field }) => {
        const qty = field.container()?.$("qty")?.value;
        const amount = field.container()?.$("amount")?.value;
        return qty * amount;

    total: ({ form }) =>
        form.$("products")?.reduce((acc, field) => acc + field.$("total")?.value, 0)

const form = new Form({ fields, computed, ... }, {
    options: {
      strictSelect: false,
      autoParseNumbers: true
    hooks: {
      onInit(form) {
      onSubmit(form) {


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