Custom Bindings

Here we can see how to register custom bindings for a Material-UI TextField

Implement a Rewriter

In the Form Class implement a bindings() methods which will return an object with our Rewriter object.

class MyForm extends MobxReactForm {

  bindings() {
    return {
      // we can choose a name as key
      MaterialTextField: {
        id: 'id',
        name: 'name',
        type: 'type',
        value: 'value',
        label: 'floatingLabelText',
        placeholder: 'hintText',
        disabled: 'disabled',
        error: 'errorText',
        onChange: 'onChange',
        onBlur: 'onBlur',
        onFocus: 'onFocus',
        autoFocus: 'autoFocus',

In every Rewriter the props passed to the bind() method always takes precedence on the field properties.

As you can see, the keys are the Current Fields properties, the values are the Material-UI TextField component properties.

If we want to use the MaterialTextField Rewriter on some fields, we need to assign it on each field we want using the bindings property, for example:


username: {
  label: 'Username',
  value: 'SteveJobs',
  placeholder: 'Insert User Name',
  rules: 'checkUser|required|string|between:5,15',
  bindings: 'MaterialTextField', // <<< Use `MaterialTextField` Rewriter


Now we can use the bind() function on the component:

import TextField from 'material-ui/TextField';

export default observer(({ field }) => (
    <TextField {...field.bind()} />

Implement a Template

The Template is useful if you need to change how the properties are obtained, for example we want to reimplement an Event Handler one time for all the same kind of fields or we want to swap their properties priorities and use those passed to the bind() method as fallbacks.

In the Form Class implement a bindings() methods which will return an object with our Template function.

In the following example some props passed to the bind() method will get priority over the fields ones. The new bindings will enable validation on onBlur handler (it is reimplemented by providing a custom function), and ErrorText & ErrorStyle are henanched to display a custom loading indicator for async calls.

// custom onBlur with field validation
const onBlur = field => (e) => {

// define bindings templates
class MyForm extends MobxReactForm {

  bindings() {
    return {
      MaterialTextField: ({ $try, form, field, props }) => ({
        type: $try(props.type, field.type),
        id: $try(,,
        name: $try(,,
        value: $try(props.value, field.value),
        floatingLabelText: $try(props.label, field.label),
        hintText: $try(props.placeholder, field.placeholder),
        errorText: field.validating ? props.validatingText : $try(props.error, field.error),
        errorStyle: field.validating ? { background: 'yellow', color: 'black' } : {},
        disabled: props.disabled || field.disabled || form.disabled || form.submitting,
        onChange: $try(props.onChange, field.onChange),
        onBlur: $try(props.onBlur, onBlur(field)),
        onFocus: $try(props.onFocus, field.onFocus),
        autoFocus: $try(props.autoFocus, field.autoFocus),

You can access the field and also the form instance in input to bindings template.

$try() is a small helper function which takes unlimited arguments in input, it returns the first defined.

In the default Template the props takes precedence on field.

Now we can use MaterialTextField as bindings prop on a field and use the bind() method on our components.

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