Validation Plugins

The validation functionalities are optional and you can choose which kind of library to import to achieve it, based on your own style preferences or needs. You can even mix plugins to achieve more flexibility.

All package listed below are not included in the mobx-react-form package and must be installed and passed to the constructor for the Form Initialization using the plugins object.

Driver Description Package
VJF UMD Vanilla Javascript Functions mikeerickson/validatorjs GitHub NPM
DVR UMD Declarative Validation Rules validatorjs/validator.js GitHub NPM
SVK UMD Schema Validation Keywords epoberezkin/ajv GitHub NPM
YUP UMD Object Schema Validator jquense/yup GitHub NPM
ZOD UMD TypeScript-first schema validation colinhacks/zod GitHub NPM
  • The mikeerickson/validatorjs package when setting up VJF is optional.
  • To setup custom error messages, see the related plugin repo, each package has a different implementation.

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