Validation Hooks

On Form Initialization

onSuccess(form) & onError(form)

These methods are called when the form validation is done.

They can return promises to wait on submit.

Define an hooks object with onSuccess(form) or onError(form) Validation Hooks and pass them to the Second Argument of the Form Constructor:

const hooks = {
  onSuccess(form) {
    alert('Form is valid! Send the request here.');
    // get field values
    console.log('Form Values!', form.values());
    // can return a promise here!
  onError(form) {
    // get all form errors
    console.log('All form errors', form.errors());
    // invalidate the form with a custom error message
    form.invalidate('This is a generic error message!');
    // can return a promise here!

new Form({ ... }, { hooks }); <---
VERSION < 1.32
const onSubmit = {
  onSuccess(form) {
    console.log('Form Values!', form.values());
  onError(form) {
    console.log('All form errors', form.errors());

new Form({ ... }, { onSubmit }); <---

Sub-Form Submission

onSuccess(fieldset) & onError(fieldset)

Even the Nested Field can be treated as Sub-Form, they can have their own Validation Hooks.

You can define Validation Hooks on the Fields you need, defining an hooks object for each Field to pass in the First Argument of the Form Constructor:

const submit = {
  onSuccess(fieldset) {
    alert(`${fieldset.path} is valid! Send the request here.`);
    // get all fieldset values...
    console.log(`${fieldset.path} Values!`, fieldset.values());
  onError(fieldset) {
    // get all fieldset errors...
    console.log(`All ${fieldset.path} errors`, fieldset.errors());
    // invalidate the fieldset with a custom error message
    fieldset.invalidate('This is a generic error message!');

const hooks = {
  'members[]': submit,
  // ... other fields

new Form({ ..., hooks }, { ... }); <---
VERSION < 1.32

the object passed to the constructor is called onSubmit.


const onSubmit = {
  'members[]': submit,
  // ... other fields

new Form({ ..., onSubmit }, { ... }); <---

This is an example using Separated Field Properties Definition mode but Unified mode is also supported.

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