Event Hooks

On Form Initialization

Define an hooks object with an Event Hook function and pass them to the Form Constructor:

Defining hooks on Form

Availables Handlers on Form: onSubmit, onClear, onReset, onAdd, onDel.

Pass the hooks object to the Second Argument.

const hooks = {
  onSubmit(form) {
    console.log('-> onSubmit HOOK - isValid?', form.isValid);

new Form({ ... }, { hooks }); <---

Defining hooks on Field

Availables Handlers on Field: onChange, onToggle, onFocus, onBlur, onDrop, onSubmit, onClear, onReset, onAdd, onDel, onKeyUp, onKeyDown.

Pass the hooks object to the First Argument in the field definitions (unified or separated).

const fields = {
  username: {
    label 'Username',
    value: 'SteveJobs',
    hooks: {
      onBlur(field) {
        console.log('-> onBlur HOOK', field.path);

new Form({ fields }, { ... }); <---

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